I am a postdoctoral research associate with Prof. Naomi Leonard at Princeton University. I obatined my PhD in robotics at Cornell University advised by Prof. Hadas Kress-Gazit. Prior to my doctoral studies, I earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Aerospace Engineering with a focus on Systems and Control from IIT Bombay.

My research focuses on modeling the dynamics of cooperation and collective intelligence to better understand and shape behaviors of engineered systems such as robot swarms. My doctoral work involved developing certifiably safe controllers and motion planners for resource-constrained robotic systems. My work is highly interdisciplinary and spans control theory, non-linear dynamics, collective intelligence, and formal methods. My reserach vision is to create practical, theoretically sound solutions to improve the safety and reliability of robots in unstructured and dynamic environments. I have also collaborated with Cohen Group, Apsel Lab and Laboratory for Molecular engineering to assist in synthesizing autonomous micron-scale origami robots that are active at time and length scales comparable to biological microorganisms. Explore further insights into my vision here.

Outside of my academic pursuits, I find joy in running or hiking through the woods. I am an avid reader and always eager to engage in discussions about world affairs, human psychology, and philosophy of science.